Thursday, February 15, 2007

Brushin My Tee

Normally I hate brushing my tee, usually to the point where mom has to wrestle me to the floor to get the job done, that is until today when I received my new extra soft brush. The brush is so soft that I refuse to put it down. I have been massaging my tee with it all morning and getting ALL of the grime off of them. I now love brushing my tee, and never want to give up the toothbrush.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Godfather

I went to New Jersey for lunch with my Godfather this weekend. I haven't seen him for months, maybe even a year, and he was calling himself a "deadbeat dad". I don't really know what that is, but maybe it has something to do with me being scared of him when I first saw him. I had a pretty tasty lunch of chicken and fries, and then I had a great time running around making cute faces at the other patrons. I also received a couple of late Christmas gifts from my Godfather. For some reason he celebrates Christmas in February, I didn't want to say anything, but somebody should really set the guy straight. He gave me a book (which I love) and Uniqua, a cute little purple doll that sings lullabies to me. I guess my Godfather is pretty cool.