Saturday, February 18, 2006

Mimi and Me

My Grandmother Mimi is visiting me in New York this weekend and we've been hanging out a lot. She's been trying to feed me some gross new foods like this pea soup. Yuck. I guess she doesn't know that I don't like anything green. Oh well. At least we get to shop a lot and go to museums. We went to the Met today and mommy got mad because they wouldn't allow strollers into the special exhibit. Mom stuck up for my rights and was able to talk to someone high up who got the okay to let me into the Rauschenberg show. I have to say that for such a metropolitain city, there are many places in NYC that bar children. It is a sad day when I am not allowed to see an exhibit because I can't walk. Next thing you know the elderly won't get in because of their wheelchairs. I guess I better learn to walk.
Mimi has been looking for the right size box to send me back to California in because she doesn't want to leave me in New York. Mom doesn't know this so please don't tell her. I want to go to California because it is really cold in NYC and I want to be warm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cassidy, you're really getting cute. I must say you look a whole lot like your uncle steven. At least the baby pics I have seen of him. I hope Mimi doesn't take you to California because I want to see you here in Chicago in the springtime. You can stay for as long as you want!-Fairy GM