Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Me and Mr. Ouch

I have been taking many diggers lately because I have so much energy and prefer running to walking. I also enjoy toting a rickety stool around my apartment so that I can stand on it and reach so many more things than I can at my actual height. Mom forgets how good I am at finding hidden things (like bribery candy, digital cameras, cell phones, etc). When I am climbing, I often hit things with my head, like tables, chairs, counter tops, and that is when Mr. Ouch comes in handy. He is a very cold guy who soothes my pain when applied to my boo boos. We try to have daily bonding time when I am at home with him (he can't go to far from the fridge or else he loses his magical powers).

By the way- can you dig my fufferfly shirt?

1 comment:

HOll said...

Dear Sassy -

Um, could your mom be cleverer on these blog entries?? And may I borrom Mr. Ouch sometime to put on this achin' head of mine??
